If you want forgiveness, ask the Lord.

If you want to play golf better, get better swing mechanics.

If you have read equipment reviews and seen adverts from golf equipment manufacturers from the last few years, you will notice that the emphasis on one particular feature of golf clubs has increased dramatically.


Club manufacturers are making their clubs forgiving to allow golfers to hit straighter and better shots with poor swing mechanics.

Think about this for a minute.

What does this trend say?


That golfers are getting worse and need more and more assistance in design to ‘forgive’ their substandard swing mechanics!

If most golfers who took lessons or did online training of some kind using the existing swing mechanics method (the PGA method ) were truly getting better – manufacturers would be singing a different song.

Their ads would talk about distance control and shaping, not hoping like f*ck I swing this club closer enough to the sweet spot to get it remotely on target.

Distance and shaping don’t even enter the equation and why?

Because the existing swing method is causing players to get worse and this is echoed by many in the golf universe.

Look at golf ads or reviews – the main features (aside from the technical jargon) in most club reviews and marketing campaigns are distance and forgiveness.

Reviews do talk about the construction and the use of lightweight materials such as carbon fiber and titanium deliver more swing speed and compression as well as absorb shock, but what do most readers want to read?

That using these clubs with my up-to-sh*t swing means I hit it that much straighter more often than I do with my current clubs and for that, they are willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars.

In many cases, the improvement is marginal at best – but for those few extra shots in a round that do go straight and high and true- that investment is worth it.

That’s just plain f*cking sad.

Forgiveness Is An Indictment Of The Failure Of Your Existing Swing Mechanics

This is an open admission by the golf industry that the existing swing mechanics method IS NOT WORKING and by that I mean, the majority of golfers using or trying to are failing miserably.

So to keep people playing the game using a swing mechanics method that is too complex and virtually impossible to master, they do the only thing they can – they make the clubs easier to hit so people with ineffective swing mechanics can still play the game to some degree.

If you are one of those golfers who are struggling for mechanical consistency and have done so for some time and have given up on lessons and getting better, then you are not alone. The majority of players in the world- some 70 million play at 14HI or worse.

If it’s more forgiveness you want – ask the Lord.

If you want to hit a golf ball better for life- get better swing mechanics.

By admitting you need more forgiveness in your clubs, you are admitting and acknowledging that your swing is poor and below standard and you have accepted that as something that is not going to get better any time soon.

So the only way you can play golf to a semi-acceptable standard is to have clubs that are designed to accommodate swings that are error-prone OR, you can change your system of swing mechanics.

SwingForm – Evolutionary Swing Mechanics

Up til now, there wasn’t another swing mechanics method, so you had to hobble along hoping to find something, somewhere that would make a permanent difference in your swing consistency.

Most of you reading this have not – that’s why you’re on this site.

Well, the good news is that your journey is at an end.

With SwingForm’s natural swing dynamics, you will be much more accurate and consistent in your execution no matter what club you swing.

You see, it makes no difference when your swing mechanics are solid, you can swing ANY club well and hit great shots!

I know this, because I have done it!

Over the last 12 years, I have hit everything from kids clubs to pro blades, ladies’ clubs to beginners, woods, drivers you name it and I hit them all the same way.

The only issue I have is where the driver shafts are not suited to my higher swing speed – then I have to swing a little slower.

Your Choice Right Now

If you have been playing golf for more than a year, have been to lessons or done online stuff to try and help and you’re still struggling with consistent accurate ball striking, then the time has come to ADMIT THAT WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS NOT WORKING and is likely NEVER GOING to.

Now, you can continue doing the same thing with the hope of getting different results – which is the definition of insanity OR you can accept that the real issue behind your inconsistency is ALL to do with the system of swing mechanics you are using and CHANGE IT FOR ONE THAT WORKS.

One that has proven results, is easy to learn and understand, is self-diagnosing so you don’t need lessons ever again, one that you can use for life, and one that will give you SINGLE FIGURE ACCURACY in just 21 days.

No bullshit.

You can face another golf season of frustration, embarrassment, and humiliation with the occasional good shot or few good holes in between – OR – you can take 21 days and change your golf life forever.

What’s it gonna be?

about author

Head Coach


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