Why Golf Equipment Marketing Is Great.

If there’s one thing the retail golf industry knows how to do – it’s marketing.

They would have you believe that buying the latest set of irons that titanium wingback hyperflex aerodynamic heads to cut the swing drag coefficient by a proven 8% will help you hit it straighter and further!

Or the new Magnaspeed Oxygen cured graphene driver face gets you more square to ball and hitting more fairways than ever before.

Er…didn’t they say this on the last batch of irons/driver/ fairway woods/wedges/balls/shoes just using different language?

And guess what?

In your desperation to improve you made a fatal mistake – you believed them!

Those adverts show the world’s best hitting drives, irons and wedges and smiling about it! But, they don’t tell you that those same pros have a 35%-40% error margin when it comes to average GIR/FIR Stats!

Yep! Those same golfers that smile at you from the TV screen and tell you that when they hit these new irons , driver. wedges or new balls, it feel great off the clubface and the combination of technologies makes them hit it better and further….


The truth is they can hit any club far and straight with any ball and so they should!

But if you HONESTLY buy into the idea that spending R15k-R20k on new irons/driver / fairway woods / wedges /balls/ putter is going to MIRACULOUSLY make your swing and ball striking better when you can’t f*cking swing the ones you have – then you deserve to waste your money!

If you fall into this trap, then the golf marketing machine has done it’s job! It has persuaded you that the fault in your golf lies with the equipment and not you, so buying new gear is going to elevate you to the scratch golf level you seek!

And here is the brutal, honest truth.

If your swing mechanics are f*cked, no club in the world is going to fix that. Ever.

And the reason you are considering buying new gear is BECAUSE your swing mechanics are f*cked and you are looking for anything that will help you.

Bad news.

This ain’t it.

Don’t Get Fitted To Play Proper Golf Until You Can Swing

While I agree that getting new gear and getting fitted does have a place, I disagree with the way it is presented. In order to really benefit from clubs that will enhance your game, you MUST MUST MUST have proper and consistently accurate and proficient swing mechanics.

If you don’t – forget it.

If you want to invest time and money, invest in your swing mechanics.

Don’t buy another ball, club, driver, iron, putter,glove, shoe, bag or gadget until you can swing consistently and proficiently and by proficiently I mean having above 60% accuracy on your irons and driver.

Once you have a swing method that delivers a consistently accurate swing plane, good clubhead speed , shape and flight – then you can get fitted and find clubs that will enhance your game.

Until then, rather play the lotto or go gambling – you have a higher chance of return than what you are doing now.

Or , you can take some of that hard earned cash and invest it with SwingForm – the evolutionary Swing Mechanics method with proven results for golfers just like you.

And then, you can hit any f*cking club you like mate!

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Head Coach


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