The Secret To Proficient Golf?

Hit More Fairways And
Greens In Regulation.

And How Do You Hit More Fairways & Greens In Regulation?

That's Easy.

With An Ultra Accurate Swing Technique.

SwingForm Graduates Increased Their Accuracy by 208% On Average.

SwingForm ACP Graduates -
Average Accuracy Improvement:

Average Baseline Score :
16/48 shots on target or 35%*

Average Graduation Score (Day 23/24) :
35/48 shots on target or 74%*

*Shot accuracy data is recorded by players and submitted on signed scorecards.

Average Increase Shots On Target : 19/48 *

SwingForm ACP is proven to double average accuracy in 24 days.

All Range Sessions -
 Average Accuracy

The Data Below Is The Total Average Accuracy Scores Over The 4 Range Sessions Completed.

Average Targets Hit In Regulation = 69%

Fairway In Regulation Targets (FIR)*= 9.66 /14
Green In Regulation Targets (GIR)* =12.47/18

*FIR Targets = Targets Selected as 'Fairways' using range distance markers / colored flags as the fairway edges.
*GIR Targets = Existing Target Greens on the range.

The data below shows the average number of targets hit for Driver ,
Wedges (PW/SW/GW/LW) , Short Irons (9i/8i) and Mid-Irons (7i/6i).

Driver : 69%
3.36/14 - 9.66/14
Wedges : 72% :+5.58/18
7.38/18- 12.96/18
Short Irons : 67% +4.68/18
7.38/18 - 12.06 /18
Mid Irons : 69%
7.02/18 - 12.42/18

What Could Your Score Be If You Hit
9/14 Fairways and 12/18 Greens In A Round?

SwingForm ACP Divides The Swing Into Two Segments.

The SwingFrame

The SwingFrame uses a simple , logical and easy 5 move setup sequence to achieve the perfect golf swing setup consistently , on every swing.

This includes: posture, head and neck position , grip & grip pressure, club position , and stance height / knee flex.

All in 5 moves.

The PowerGuide Swing

The PowerGuide swing makes use of the strongest force in the universe (Gravity) to generate effortless swing speed - so you don't need to be strong, flexible or 22 to increase your distance.

This swing method uses proven physics and biomechanics principles to create a fluid, smooth, powerful , graceful , balanced consistent swing for superior accuracy, distance , shape and flight with ball striking quality you NEVER thought you were capable of.

SwingForm ACP Is An Online Three-Phase Training Course

Phase 1 : 8 days

3 x home training sessions 
and range session 1.

1 x home session every second day, with a one day break between each home session.

The 1st range session would be either day 7 or day 8.

Phase 1 - Results

You will see and feel a good improvement in swing execution as well as ball striking quality, accuracy and often distance.

You have already experienced more flush shots consistently by range session 1 than before SwingForm.

Phase 2 : 8 Days

3 x  home training sessions 
and range session 2.

1 x home session every second day, with a one day break between each home session.

The range grading session is done after the 3 home sessions are completed.

Phase 2 - Results

You will fine tune your powerguide swing and achieve better timing on the backswing and downswing.

You will see a noticeable improvement on consistent ball striking purity and accuracy.

Phase 3 : 8 Days

2 X home sessions, range session 3 and range session 4 - the Graduation Session.

1 x home session , a one day break,  then a range session.

Your final score is totalled and submitted.
you are ready to return to the golf course.

Phase 3 - Results

Your swing is feeling amazing ! It's feels balanced and effortless, with great clubhead speed and consistency.

Your swing confidence is high now as your ball striking consistently pure and accurate.
You are ready to return to the course.

Range Training Sessions - 48 shots with different clubs aimed at different Fairway and Green Targets on every swing to mimic actual playing conditions.

Home Training Sessions of just 48 reps each using different clubs.

Actual Training Days - one home session every second day.

Rest / Assimilation Days to allow your body and mind to assimilate the new techniques and processes.

Actual Golf Shots Hit - You only hit 48 shots at every range session , so you have to make every one count - just like you do on the course.

Golf swings without a ball - a mindest shift from 'hitting the ball' to executing high quality swings consistently.

The SwingForm ACP Training Process

Step 1 :
Watch All The Videos First

Step 2 :
Start Phase 1 and Complete The Training

Step 3:
Graduation and Final scores submitted.

Training Support

Full Training Itinerary
A complete training program from day 1  through day 24. 

It shows training, rest and range days for each phase and is designed to deliver optimum results.
Customised Scorecards
Track your accuracy progress and your home sessions using the custom scorecards.

You will be required to sign , date and submit them , just as you would your golf scorecard.
Master Instructor Support
The Chief Instuctor is available to all students on whatsapp etc and email and will provide feedback on the range session results.

Where there may be challenges with certain clubs , line or contact , our master instructor will provide you with super constructive tips and analysis.

SwingForm ACP Is An Evolutionary Golf Swing System

SwingForm ACP Is Self Diagnosing - No Coach Dependency

Because the swingframe and swing are easy to understand and repeat successfully, you'll be able to diagnose a swing fault yourself and fix it there and then whether on the range or the course.

No more trashing your round before you can go to your pro and find out what the hell it is this time .

With the SwingForm ACP,you can do it on the course, on the very next swing.

No Risk Of Swing -Related Injuries & Greater Longevity

SwingForm ACP uses natural movements and generates swing speed using gravity not muscle power.

This means that you are at virtually no risk of swing-related injury during your training or once you graduate.

Even players with a history of injuries have reported much better motion without fear of re-injury.

No Gym , Strengthening Or Flexiblity Training

Many golf swing systems insist on strength training - but the SwingForm doesn't.

This is because the swing components and swing itself are based on natural movements , not on physical power or flexibility.

This makes SwingForm highly energy efficient , so you won't get tired nearly as quick (if at all) when doing range sessions.

And , you might just find a good few yards in distance too.

All Training Is Online

Now, you don't need to go to your pro or range every time you want to work on your golf swing.

SwingForm ACP is done mostly at home , so all you need is a place you can safely swing a golf club.

Trial-Proven Training Syllabus

The syllabus you are using was the winner of the SwingForm phase trials conducted in November 2022.

It delivered the best accuracy results, in the shortest training time and optimum course time of 24 - 26 days.

Pure Strike Preparation

At some point in their training, every single graduate has spoken about the experience of hitting their first pure shot.

And after that, they have these experiences more and more often.

It will happen for you  too.

SwingForm ACP Is
NOT Golf Lessons

SwingForm ACP is a specific training method - it is not golf lessons.
This is a once-off training system that you learn over the 24 day training period.

In order to achieve this transformation , you have to commit to
completing the training course as per the training itinerary.

Look at it like changing your 'Golf Swing Operating System' and in order to 'upgrade' your current
inconsistent golf swing operating system, you need to go through the 8 home sessions
and the 4 range sessions with proper commitment.

If you can't dedicate the time and 100% effort to your training,
then you're better off not signing up for SwingForm.

Training Terms & Conditions

- You agree to complete the training.
-You agree that you will not play a round of golf before you complete your course.
-You agree to accurately score and submit your scorecards at the end of each phase.
- You agree to not give access to your training to anyone else.
-You agree that you will not show or demonstrate any of the techniques to anyone else.
- And, you agree that you are ready to experience pure consistent ball striking that will bring a
big smile your face and pure joy to your heart.

Why You Can't Play A Round Of Golf During Your SwingForm ACP Training

You are learning a completely new swing mechanics system and that takes time to assimilate into your neuro-muscular system.
The training program has been specifically designed to make sure that by the time you finish , the SwingFrame and Power Guide swing are properly understood and integrated into your muscle memory so you can execute it every time for the rest of your life.

Because you start this course with a lot of swing thoughts , ideas and concepts about your swing as well as your current swing mechanics, it takes time to let all that go and allow a new more efficient swing mechanics process to take over.

If you a play a round of golf before you have fully completed your training and things go wrong, you will automatically default back to what you were doing before - and this will undo all the work you have done on the 'swing form' to date.

You don't yet have the full system assimilated so you can analyse and fix any swing faults in the course yourself without wasting a whole round.

Besides, considering the rounds you usually play, wouldn't it be worth sacrificing a few poor rounds , so you can come back a totally different golfer than before.

Time off from duffed / hooked /sliced tee shots or fat, thin teethed and shanked irons?

Give yourself a break.

It will be well worth it.

11 Great Reasons Why You Should Do This Training

  • 1. It works better than anything else available and proved so and it WILL work for you.
    2. No upfront payment - first you get results, then you pay. No results, no pay.
    3. Because nothing else has worked and you're still struggling.
    4. You're at the point now where you either quit , or accept that you will never be good at golf.
    5. You're tired of the endless '10 tips to do this' or 'three steps to do that' or 'use this gadget / gizmo / app' or 'buy these irons / get fitted / change something' - you just want something that works - and works fast and you don’t need to keep going back for lessons every few months.
    6.You are tired of endlessly spending money on lessons and then slipping backward ;
    7. Tired of coming off the course week after week feeling disappointed and frustrated at yet another poor performance ;
    8. Done with getting wooden spoons at a golf days;
    9. Done with coming last in your league ;
    10. Done being the 3rd wheel on your golf team ;
    11.Tired of not enjoying your golf to the fullest.

Our Results First Guarantee

SwingForm ACP is one of the few golf swing training systems that offers a 100% Results Guarantee.

Our system is tested, trial and proven and if you don't see an improvement in your accuracy and ball striking quality by the 4th range session, then you don't pay anything.

You agree to complete the Baseline Accuracy Scorecard (BAS) accurately and honestly.

The BAS average accuracy score will be used as the baseline.

All subsequent range scores will be compared to the BAS Score to measure average accuracy improvement over the 24 days training period.

If, by the end of your training, you have not improved on your BAS, then you don't pay anything or you can use your 12 months access to do the course again until you do get results.

Annual Membership : $28.95
Course cost : $199.95 
No Upfront Course Fee.
Paid On Graduation Only.

This Course costs less than half the price of a new driver and thousands of dollars and hours less than conventional lessons.

You get 12 months access to the lessons, coaching and feedback by Whatsapp / Teams / Zoom.

Pay on results only.

The 20th Hole - Master's Insights

The Swing IS The Game

The Swing Is The Life Of The Game. You only need to have one thing to play golf proficiently, and that is a proficient golf swing. Period. Nothing else. Forget…
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The Golf Swing Operating System

The Golf Swing Operating System. Think of your swing much like a computer or mobile device operating system. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if the operating systems…
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Proficiency Vs Competency

The Struggle For Proficiency. Every single golfer (men and women) who applied for the SwingForm Pilot programme was struggling with ball striking consistency in one form or another and while…
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Fatally Flawed – Proficiency

The Existing Swing Method Lacks Proficiency. In order for any golf swing system to be considered proficient , it has to achieve a number of conditions: It must be easy…
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Too Many Moving Parts

The Existing Swing Mechanics System Is Impossible To Master. The existing swing mechanics system is exceptionally difficult to learn and proof of this lies in the millions of gold coaching…
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Fatally Flawed – Injuries

Why Do Golfers Get Injured? As part of an ongoing analysis of multiple reasons why the existing swing mechanics paradigm is fatally flawed, I am going to look at the…
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Fatally Flawed – Diagnosis

Imagine If Medical Diagnosis Was Like Golf Swing Diagnosis? If doctors had as many interpretations as to what could be wrong with sick people as golf coaches have about the…
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Swingform Swing Deviation Data

SwingForm DeWiz Data One of the great benefits of the SwingForm trials was meeting so many different golfers and one of those was Japie Schmidt. Japie is a numbers guy…
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Fatally Flawed – Suffering Golfers!

The Tragic Mediocrity Of Golfers. There is no point in doing something competently , there is no joy or satisfaction to be had from mediocre performance, and EVERYONE KNOWS IT!…
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Is Your Golf Swing A Lemon?

Everyone knows that certain cars are lemons. No matter what you do, there is always something wrong. Now, not all cars start life as lemons, through years of usage, wear,…
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Struggling to break 100, 90 or 80 and can't figure out why?