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Why Do Golfers Get Injured?

As part of an ongoing analysis of multiple reasons why the existing swing mechanics paradigm is fatally flawed, I am going to look at the injuries that this swing system causes for both pro and amateur players alike.

Just about every golfer I have worked with over the past twelve years as well as virutally every single professional golfer has experienced a golf-swing related injury.

From wrists, elbows and shoulders to hips , knees and ankles and the most common one are injuries to the lower back. Tiger, Seve and countless other pro golfers require surgery and ongoing therapy or swing modifications to prolong their careers or to maintain their game.


I think not.

Golf Is Not A Contact Sport

For a game that is quite benign in nature , with no impact ,running , stopping or swift changes of direction, the number of injuries that plague golfers around the world is stupendously high!

I can well understand injuries in sports like soccer, rugby, hockey, athletics and cricket – but golf?

Unless you get hit by a club, run over by a golf cart, struck by lighting or smacked by your better half for buying yet ANOTHER driver/putter/ wedge – by all definitions, golf should be a pretty safe sport,

But it’s not.

Now, I’m not going to delve into all the medical terms and conditions here, but golfers regularly experience lower back issues, shoulder and arm injuries as well as joint injuries to the hips and knees.

Based on existing data, it is estimated that around 70% of golfers will experience some injury that is directly caused by the golf swing.

Poor Swing Mechanics Will Cause Injury

Up until now, golfers around the world have accepted the idea and the risk that playing golf over a number of could cause injury. The cause of this was believed to be excessive repetition of the same motion, and the effect of the torsion forces that the body experiences during the swing.

It’s true that this is the cause, but the underlying issue is not the forces during the swing, but how those forces are created and dissipated through the joints and muscles in the body that should be examined. Not only that, but the likelihood of injury increases with age and senior golfers that don’t have the muscular pliability are most at risk.

The prevalence of golf injuries is such that a Google search for the term ‘golf injuries’ yielded 57 400 000 results!If you search for ‘golf swing’ on Google you get 114 000 000 results roughly double that of the injury search results.

Let’s look at this another way. Suppose you have an electrical cable that is rated for 20 Amps and you run 50amps through it – the cable will fail as it’s not designed to accomodate that degree of current.

If you have a water distribution system of pipes that can only handle 200kPa and you fire 400kPa through it, you are going to have leaks and ruptures especially around the joints!

The same principle applies to golf and when there is too much pressure released through the muscles and joints when performing a biomechanically unsound action for a prolonged period of time, those muscles and joints will fail.

Because there has never been an alternative swing mechanics method until now, professional and amateur golfers alike have simply accepted that swing-related injuries are part of the game and avoiding them or lowering the risk required higher levels of physical conditioning.

But, if this were true, then no pro golfers would get injured- and yet they do.

The Real Cause Of Golf Injuries

I have used the SwingForm system for 12 years and in that time , I have never experienced a swing related injury. Not only that. but earlier in 2022 as well as late 2021, I went to check my driver swing speed and at the age of 52, I can still get to between 114mph and 118mph using this swing method.

Yeah, ok, I’m not a small guy, but I’m swinging my clubs at speeds and getting distances that golfers half my age can’t do even though they are physically stronger – and why?

Because the swing mechanics method I use is far more efficient.

Many people (including my dad) have often said that the golf swing is an ‘unnatural action’ and the way it is being taught at the moment and has been taught for the last 400 years ( yes the swing system is that old) – it is unnatural.

The real cause of swing related injuries are unsound swing biomechanics.

If you can accept this, you are ready for SwingForm.

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Head Coach


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