The Existing Swing Method Lacks Proficiency.

In order for any golf swing system to be considered proficient , it has to achieve a number of conditions:

  1. It must be easy to learn and understand.
  2. It must create proficiency within a short space of time.
  3. It must create a state of focused concentration ( ‘The Zone’)
  4. It must have a low to zero risk of injury.
  5. It must be easy to remember and apply consistently.
  6. It must require little or no external assistance to diagnose and fix faults.
  7. It must be energy efficient for the athlete.
  8. It must be able to be taught easily.
  9. It must be usable and proficient for the lifespan of the athlete.

If you consider these conditions, how many of them apply to the swing system you are currently using?

The answer is NONE!

Considering these conditions, how many apply to your current swing system? If you had to rate each of those in terms of how true or false each state is as it relates to your existing swing?

Answer each of these true or false:

  • Is the swing system easy to learn and understand?
  • Were you a proficient golfer in under 12 months using this swing system?
  • Is the swing system easily repeatable?
  • Has performing this swing system ever caused your injury?
  • Can you remember and apply your swing system easily and consistently with proficient results?
  • Can you diagnose and fix swing faults in your swing system yourself?
  • Would you be tired if you hit 150 shots using your swing system?
  • Could you teach your swing system to a beginner and have them get balls in the air and straight?
  • Can you use this swing system for the rest of your life without compromising proficiency?

If you are honest, you maybe answered ‘TRUE’ to a maximum of THREE of the nine conditions, and for most golfers, that figure would be less.

If you answered three or fewer, perhaps you realize that the REAL issue with your golf is nothing more than the result of trying to learn and master an immensely complex action with far too many moving parts to execute the action with consistent proficiency.

And if that doesn’t convince you, then consider this.

The article below was first published in 2017 and updated on August 1, 2022 – and was the average handicap over 25 years for golfers in the USA.

When looking at handicap data from 1992 to 2017, the average men’s handicap dropped from 16.3 to 14.4. That’s almost a two-stroke improvement in 25 years! Women’s handicaps dropped from 29.7 in 1991 to 26.1 in 2016, which is 3.6 strokes better!

Read that again!


How good can a swing system be when in those 25 years, with the birth of golf schools and academies as well as the internet and the explosion of online lessons, training aids, books, ebooks, and webinars, the average male golfer in the USA has only improved by TWO FACKING SHOTS??


And this is considered GOOD?? They were excited about that!!

Either all of those golfers have the same ability and lack of talent issues you do, OR- it’s the swing mechanics system you are ALL using!

If you can accept this, then you are ready for SwingForm.


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Head Coach


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