Single Figure Accuracy In 24 Days

The Tragic Mediocrity Of Golfers.

There is no point in doing something competently , there is no joy or satisfaction to be had from mediocre performance, and EVERYONE KNOWS IT!

Bollocks to this celebration of mediocrity -this is golf, for f*cks sake.

I googled “What Is a Good Golf Score?” and this was the first result:

“In golf, scores less than 120 strokes are seen as respectable, or “good” scores among amateur golfers. While 90 stroke scores are considered average, scores below 120 strokes on an 18-hole course are seen amongst the golf community as relatively good.”

This is a fairly consistent opinion across the top ten page 1 Google results, and other sources quote a ‘good score’ as being below or at par, which I agree with.

But come on, are you telling me that if you walk off the course after 18 holes having shot 118, you feel GOOD about it?

NO golfer I have EVER met has EVER celebrated shooting 118 unless they shot 120 the round before, and even then, although it is better – it’s not, and they know it.

In fact, most golfers that regularly shoot 90 and above are not happy, although they will accept it and become accustomed to it as their ‘ability’ level over time.

This is what the difficulty of proficient swing mechanics has for most golfers. It has confined them to competent golf for life.

Look at the stats globally; you will see that for men, the average handicap is 16, and for women, it is around 28.

Most scores around the world are closer to 100 per round than 90 per round as many players still don’t record their scores officially,

According to the PGA, from 1992 til 2017, the average handicap in the USA dropped by two shots, and the ladies were much better, falling by 3,6 shots.

This is an achievement.

Two shots better?

In 25 years?

Doesn’t that strike you as really odd??

If I said to you,” Hey, there’s a game I want you to try. It’s really hard, will take you years to get good at, and costs you a lot for equipment, lessons, and playing. Plus, if you play for 25 years, you’ll only get two shots better?”

Does that sound appealing?

I think not.

Now in that context, consider that the birth of online golf channels and golf websites dawned and flourished towards the turn of the Millenium.

Thousands, if not millions, of content hours become available! And yet even with all this technology for analysis and coaching, the reality of the golf swing worldwide is that it’s getting worse – not better.

Online lessons, golf schools, training aids, teaching videos, and equipment reviews have given golfers worldwide a massive resource to improve – and in 25 years, men only got two shots better and women just 3.6.

There is a problem here, and that is not the people playing the game – it’s the swing mechanics method they are trying to master.

Some Interesting Handicap Stats

Worldwide, golfers playing at a handicap of 9.9 or lower is around 30%.

That percentage drops to 4,6% for golfers that play off 4.9 and lower, and less than 1% (0.68%) of golfers play scratch or better.

Those stats show that golf is a difficult game to get good at.

Or is it?

Occam’s Razor

The scientific precept known as Occam’s Razor states that all things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the right one.”

 So, in this case, which is more likely :

  • That only a small percentage of the world’s 106 million golf-playing population can master the golf swing, and the rest of the people don’t have the capability -even though almost all of them perform other complex physical actions proficiently?
  • Or is the default 400-year-old swing mechanics method fundamentally flawed, too complex, and complicated for anyone to learn without at least ten thousand hours of practice and coaching?

Maybe you had never considered this possibility before and accepted that despite your best efforts, coaching, lessons, and equipment, you will never be a proficient player with a 10-handicap or better.

And perhaps the reason for this is that up until now, there has never been another option. An alternative swing method isn’t based on the existing structure but on one that uses a simpler, more natural form of swing biomechanics.

The only thing every struggling golfer has with every other struggling golfer is they are ALL using the same swing method – and when you have that many people (around 60 million) that cannot achieve proficiency with an action in a sport – the fault lies with the action’s system of mechanics.

Take a moment and consider this.

Is it possible that your struggle with consistency is nothing more than an indictment of the existing golf swing mechanics paradigm and NOT anything you may or may not have done?

If you can accept this as a possibility, then you are ready for SwingForm.

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Head Coach


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