Everyone knows that certain cars are lemons.
No matter what you do, there is always something wrong.
Now, not all cars start life as lemons, through years of usage, wear, and tear they simply start to break down and regardless of how many times they get repaired, the same problems recur and when those are temporarily fixed, a new problem crops up.
You would think that if you have a lemon, you would get rid of it instead of spending time and money fixing it over and over again.
But, this is not the case – people get attached to those lemons and will simply persist with repairs and maintenance for as long as they can until it finally breaks down for good – or the owner dies.
That persistence costs money, a lot of money.
Over the next 5, 10, or 20 years it may cost thousands of dollars. Besides the cost of the parts, there is the cost of the numerous mechanics you will consult and see if maybe one of them can offer some previously unknown insight into the persistent mechanical issues and perhaps resolve it once and for all.
Even when you replace parts with new parts or different ones, the same problems recur although they may take longer.
Over time, you realize that when it comes to problematic mechanics resulting from poor construction, inconsistent components, and sub-par cooling and electrical systems, the many opinions on the causes of these mechanical problems you have received are based solely on the perspective of each mechanic.
This is because even though some of the mechanics you chose were rated as ‘specialists’ with those lemons, the complexity and almost infinite number of failure combinations that can occur are far too numerous for any one mechanic to have total knowledge of.
Now, the mechanics themselves have usually spent years studying and training, apprenticeship, then junior mechanic, and finally after 5-10 years, they have acquired the skills, insight, and experience to deal with most mechanical problems in cars.
Most cars.
But, when it comes to lemons, the diagnosis, prognosis, and recommended treatment vary greatly from mechanic to mechanic.
Lemons cost time as you will be without a functional car for some time while it’s getting fixed. The weekly progress reports and building anticipation and blind hope that when you get it back, it will work can be a greater drain on your sanity than social media.
Most of all it costs sanity. There is this intrinsic belief that maybe, this time, after this fix, it will finally work the way you always wanted it to.
That it will start on time and first time.
That when you step on the gas it will have the acceleration without the jerking.
That it won’t overheat in the summer and risk blowing the head gasket, or that you don’t have to carry a gallon of water in the car in case the water leak acts up again.
Perhaps it’s the wheels again as the next wheel bearing starts to complain a few weeks after you spent $400 getting the last one fixed.
It could even be a little thing like the brake light globe failing again, or the signal only works when you’re turning left, or the little area in the shifter that sticks between changing to 3rd and 4th.
Now, if you had bought this car new and quickly started having issues with various failures, would you keep the car?
No, you’d take it back and either get another one or change it for another car.
But, lemons don’t start as lemons and like the ‘frog in hot water’ comparison, people who have lemons simply accept that this is how the car works and doesn’t work and that it will break down or be inconsistent more often than not.
They accept that it will require regular maintenance and repair and then they drive it with all that frustration for many years until either they die, or the car finally does.
Another reason why people who have lemons keep them is because they don’t have a realistic alternative.
Perhaps they think all cars have problems and this one is cheaper to maintain?
Or do they think a newer more efficient one will cost a lot of money and they can’t afford it? Even though the cost of keeping their lemon will far outweigh the cost of keeping and repairing the lemon?
Or they don’t trust new technology or systems as they don’t understand them, even when there is indisputable proof that these new systems and methods are far more efficient, consistent, accurate supremely durable?
When faced with all these doubts, they take the path of least resistance and opt to keep the lemon.
In most cases, lemons are the result of an outdated and inefficient mechanical design where the components used in the engine, suspension, fluid and cooling systems, braking, electrical, and steering systems are not the best quality or, they are used in a way that is not conducive to good functional consistency.
Remember that lemons do drive. They can go fast and they can stop, but they just don’t drive and brake and turn as well as more modern cars and they break down more often due to the components not being of high enough quality to perform consistently over their lifetime.
The benefit of technology, materials, and hyper-efficient design to optimize power transfer and mechanical sequencing means that modern cars perform the same functions, but simply do it much better, more efficiently and consistently – and they last longer.
Now, consider your golf swing.
If your first reaction is “Ohhhh no” or similar – your golf swing is a lemon.
If you have spent time and money at more than 5 golf mechanics (coaches) and your swing is still inconsistent- your golf swing is a lemon.
If, while playing or practicing you are wondering what is going to go wrong next – your golf swing is a lemon.
If you have bought new clubs 3 or more times to try and play better and failed – your golf swing is a lemon.
If you have experienced a swing-related injury in your lower back; hips; shoulders; elbows; knees – your golf swing is a lemon.
If you are standing over the ball about to swing and 90% of your swing thoughts are uncertain that this ball will go where you are aiming it or at the distance you need – your golf swing is a lemon.
If you are constantly looking for more forgiveness in your clubs – your golf swing is a lemon.
If you are always tinkering with the components or chasing and comparing data – your golf swing is a lemon.
If most of your shots go anywhere BUT where you aimed them – your golf swing is a lemon.
You don’t.
You chuck it away and get a new one that isn’t a lemon.
One that works efficiently from the start.
One that doesn’t require tinkering and will let you play the game at a much higher level, much quicker than you thought possible.
One that is tested, proven, and reliable and that you can diagnose and fix yourself WITHOUT the need for a swing mechanic!
One that you can use for life and that has virtually ZERO risk of injury because it is designed to WORK WITH THE BODY’s natural motion and not against them.
A swing mechanics method that will level the playing field and close the gap between low and high-handicap players in weeks, not years!
A swing mechanics method that was created and designed by a golfer like you- not a pro; not a former tour player or golf school graduate, but a golfer who went through what you are going through.
A golfer who experienced the frustrations, the inconsistencies, the embarrassment, the self-doubt, the club changes, the wasted lessons, the hours of watching training videos in the HOPE that SOMETHING WILL WORK – but never did.
A golfer who took 12 years of his life to create an evolutionary swing mechanics method that increased swing accuracy by more than 20% in just 24 days, with only 400 swings and ONLY 160 ACTUAL GOLF SHOTS HIT.
There is only one final question you need to answer here and that is :
“Can you accept that the reason for your perpetual inconsistency is because of the SWING MECHANICS METHOD you are using?”
If you can, then you are ready for SwingForm.
If you can’t, then you are destined to suffer under the frustrations and failures until you either quit or learn to live with it.
But one thing is for sure, if you don’t change your swing mechanics method, you will NEVER play at the level you truly want and you will NEVER truly experience the magnificence of golf as it’s intended.
The choice is yours now.