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Imagine If Medical Diagnosis Was Like Golf Swing Diagnosis?

If doctors had as many interpretations as to what could be wrong with sick people as golf coaches have about the faults in the golf swing, there would be a lot less people on this Earth and a shitload more medical malpractice suites!

I believe that just about every golfer that has tried to get some professional insight into their golf swing faults has experienced this situation.

Let’s say for some reason you have suddenly developed a hook and no matter what you have done at home, you cannot fix it (there’s the first problem) so you decide after getting 74 different pieces of advice on your Facebook golf group, to go and see a pro or two.

Here’s the issue – if you take the same swing issue to three or four different coaches, you’ll get three or four different diagnoses and three or four different ways to fix it.

I want to be clear on something here before I proceed. PGA Coaches have invested a lot of time and money to become certified and their goal is to help golfers play better using the system they have learned and know and for that, they have my respect.

However, if you go to three or four different doctors presenting the same symptoms, the chances are that with the diagnostic processes they use, all if not most will give you the same diagnosis and course of treatment – and it’s safe to say that medicine is a little more complex than golf – but not by much!

Why Can’t You Self-Diagnose Your Swing Faults?

Why? Because YOU HAVE NO CLUE what the problem is and trying to find an answer online is about as helpful as self-diagnosing a medical condition.

The reason for this inability to self-diagnose faults in your golf swing stems from the nature of the swing mechanics method you are using – it is too complex and as a result, there are too many potential faults to isolate the fault and fix it.

So, you need three, four, five or ten lessons to fix it and much like our government and failing water infrastructure, as soon as you fix one pipe, the next one fails as it can’t handle the pressure.

Many golfers that I have worked with have cited this very issue that they went to one coach and were told this and went to another and were told something else.

This is because the immense complexity of the existing swing mechanics method has too many moving parts and because no-one really understands it or the sequence that it needs to be performed in to execute consistently proficient (there’s that word again) golf swings, you have an almost infinite number of reasons your swing could be faulty.

In short, the real reason you cannot diagnose your own swing faults is because you don’t understand the swing itself – so you need a third party to observe your swing and advise.

You Can’t Fix Your Swing Yourself On The Course – Or The Range

Because you cannot diagnose the swing fault , you cannot fix it and when your swing goes all to hell on your third hole, you are basically STUCK with it for the next fifteen and at that point your golf round becomes more about damage control than playing the game.

The same is true at the range – you’re halfway into your first bucket and have two more to go (pointless really) , and the swing goes to pot. Most golfers will either end up leaving the range in frustration rather than embarrass themselves hitting another hundred really bad shots, or chainsaw through the rest of the balls and then leave.

Doing this simply exacerbates the swing fault so the next time you go and play a round, you are INSTANTLY in a negative headspace BECAUSE you KNOW you have a problem that you cannot fix without it costing you money.

Why Don’t Swing Fixes Last

Another clue that the swing mechanics method is flawed is the fact that after doing your lessons and paying your money and having some joy when you’re with your coach, you cannot replicate your ‘fix’ when it counts!

This is probably one of the most frustrating and soul-destroying experiences that so many golfers face and because they tell themselves ” but I could do it there, and now I can’t, so I’m doing something wrong but I don’t know what” reinforces the belief that the swing fault lies with them!!

And I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t.

Now, Here’s The Good News

The fact that you struggle with ball striking consistency and will do for most of your playing life is not your fault. It has nothing to do with your perceived lack of talent for the game, athletic ability or any other bullshit you have come to believe.

Your issues (and every other golfer that struggles) is the swing mechanics method you have been shown and are trying to use.


If you can accept this, you are ready for SwingForm.




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Head Coach


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