The Swing IS The Game
The Swing Is The Life Of The Game. You only need to have one thing to play golf proficiently, and that is a proficient golf swing. Period. Nothing else. Forget…
Pre-trial baseline accuracy average : 36,11% or 14 /40 on target.
Post Trial Average Accuracy : 63,65% or 25/40 on target.
Average increase – 27,22% or 11/40 more shots on target.
Baseline FIR (Driver)- 3.7/14 Fairways Hit
Post Trial FIR (Driver) – 8 /14 Fairways Hit
Baseline GIR – 8.25/18 Greens Hit
Post Trial GIR – 11.85/18 Greens Hit
The total training time for the 3-Phase Trial was 556,29 minutes or 9 hours, 16 minutes on average.
Home training time: 313,71 minutes or 5 hours, 14 minutes.
Range training time: 242,57 minutes or 4 hours, 2 minutes.
In this phase trial, the candidates achieved a final average accuracy of 63.65% from a baseline accuracy of 36,11% in a total average training time of 9 hours and 16 minutes.